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Code of Conduct

Through to the end we will show respect where it is due, give thought where it is needed and show honour in every battle fought!


The following points apply to your conduct on this site and within any game where the [UK] tag is proudly worn.

  • Respect A Superiors Decision:  In the heat of battle and emotion the methods of another may not always be clear but rest assured desisions are made from information and experience with the greater good in mind.
  • Descrimination & Abuse Will Not Be Tolerated:  If you feel you have been the victim of or have noticed other peoples abuse, please report the incident to one of the admins.
  • Think First:  Before ranting on about someones forum post or replying to a topic taken personally or doang anything in general, think about what you are trying to say and choose your words carefully.  Constant irrational and poorly thought argument is a sign of a simple and weak mind.
  • Respect Others:  We live in a global society, just because you do not take offence to certain language or slang doesn't mean others won't.  People from all walks are members of the [UK], we all have different back grounds and we all get along because we respect each other, show respect to others and you will be respected.
  • Be Good To Your Mother.


The Admin Team

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